Sean Grimaldi is a member of the board of advisors for Control Plane and former founder and chief technology officer of VectorZero. He's a leading voice in cyber-security with experience that spans senior roles in the US government and at corporate leaders including Microsoft and
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How LLMs Are Powering Next-Gen Malware: The New Cyber Frontier
Cyber Innovator Sean Grimaldi explains an evolving digital arms race in which AI-driven malware is rapidly advancing, challenging cybersecurity with evasion techniques and hard-to-detect threats.
Disruptive Security Advancement with VectorZero
TechArena host Allyson Klein chats with VectorZero CTO and co-founder Sean Grimaldi about his extensive experience fighting bad actors to protect the nation’s security and how his learning at the CIA has informed his approach to elimination of attack vectors at VectorZero.