Dr. Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna is Vice President for Global Privacy for the Washington DC-based Future of Privacy Forum, a global non-profit present in Brussels, Tel Aviv, Singapore, and Nairobi, where she leads the work on global privacy and data protection developments. She is also an associated researcher for the LSTS Center of Vrije Universiteit Brussel and a guest lecturer for Maastricht University’s European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity. Dr. Zanfir-Fortuna is a member of the Reference Panel of the Global Privacy Assembly and was a member of the Executive Committee of ACM's Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FaccT) Conference (2021-2022). She has experience in working for the European Data Protection Supervisor in Brussels, dealing with enforcement, litigation, and policy matters, and contributing to the work of the Article 29 Working Party. She holds a PhD in law with a thesis on the rights of the data subject from the perspective of their adjudication in civil law, and an LLM in Human Rights. She published a comprehensive volume on the rights of the data subjects in 2015 (Protectia datelor personale. Drepturile persoanei vizate", C.H. Beck, Bucharest, 2015), and is one of the co-authors of "GDPR: A commentary", Oxford University Press, 2020.
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The Ongoing Fight for Data Privacy with The Future of Privacy Forum
TechArena host Allyson Klein chats with Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna of the Future of Privacy Forum about the state of data privacy and where the industry must plan for future policy alignment.