Don Barnetson

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Vice President, Product, Hi-Wire AECs

Don Barnetson is a seasoned product, engineering, marketing leader with a track record of insight and execution. His most recent roles include VP Product for Credo's HiWire AECs - high speed data center interconnect products. CTO of Lunera - an IoT platform company and Head of Technology for Zorlu Ventures, the silicon valley office of the Zorlu Group, a diversified Turkish Conglomerate whose holdings include Vestel - the largest appliance and smart TV maker in Europe as well holdings in Energy, Textiles and elsewhere. Don also co-founded one of the leading security firms in the RISC-V space and served as vice-Chair of the RISC-V marketing committee where he works to support the future of computing with the open RISC-V ISA. Don Barnetson’s passion is for product - how to identify white space by using deep user empathy. If done right it provides sustainable competitive advantage even in fast moving markets as copycats chase your point solutions while you innovate forward solving the broader user problem.

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